Can I cancel the order once payment is made?

Yes, you can cancel the order before we dispatch the material. The refund amount will be credited to the same account in 6-7 working days after the deduction of transaction charges (5 % of the transaction value)

Can I Exchange the Product?

We encourage the customer to take informed decision. Hence once the material is shipped order cancellation or refund or exchange is not allowed.

Do I get a warranty on the purchased products?

Yes, we source all the products through company authorized channels and hence customer will be able to claim warranty as per manufacturer’s warranty policy.

Can I get the Installation service as well?

  Price quoted on the website is for material supply only. However we do provide installation service in select locations. Kindly contact our customer care department to check availability of installation service. Charges for installation service will be provided by customer care executive.

Do I get GST credit?

Yes, we provide tax invoice along with all material and hence customer registered with appropriate GSTN can avail GST Input Tax Credit.

What is the delivery time?

We aim to deliver all the products within 7 working days however for the very remote and interior locations it may take longer time.

What if the material is delivered in damaged condition?

If the product is delivered in damaged condition then the customer needs to send an email to [email protected] with clear photos of damaged goods within 24 hours of delivery. Only in such cases after the verification refund or replacement will be approved.

What if the product is lost in shipping?

 After the verification of case , new product will be shipped to the customer.

What if the product delivered is faulty or dead on arrival?

Pleases contact customer care department, repair or replacement will be done after the inspection.

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